I’m Back w/ Quick Reminder
wow! The last time I wrote was in 2020 and here I’m back again in this site! Instagram has been good to me, but not enough space to express my Random Thoughts, Experiences and such. I tried to short-cut everything but, it had always been this sense I kept feeling “not being complete”.
Perhaps, I’m just the kind of writer who like to write things in more precise and details especially in terms of giving guidances and empowerments. But Instagram also thought me to write everything straight-forward and briefly.
Writing is Love and little of Hate relationship with me but I knew, I love writing in my Journal. As in fact, that’s where I begin to learn on how to understand myself more but the thing, again, there’s this urge of “wanting to share, to educate, to guide and to empower” people are so strong sometimes. Often, this is what I truly needed to do “Sharing” so I feel more alive, happier and Productive.
Well, I’m not sure how far this would go, but I do hope this comeback would be a lot better as I also have grown a lot in the past 3 years. It wasn’t much significant change but “those little changes added up into big changes”. and slowly, I’ve transformed myself into a person whom I never thought I would have become by now.
Like, in the beginning of my Spiritual Transformations, I never thought that I would be able to manage my Anger because for my whole 36 years, I had become nothing but the Anger itself. Then, I had no idea what made me changed, but the past 2 years, I have become more feminine, more loving and compassion. Yes, I do still have that anger but it wasn’t firey anymore. Somehow, I’m able to manage the “Fire” within me, switched it on and off, not let the Fire to control me like it was for all of my life.
Life is like so, sometimes, things just happened without us even ever thought we would able to achieve/be. but then there’s this just a little unheard voice of wish that kept wishing that someday, that thing would happened.
I kept asking for my anger to be taken away, for i to be able to manage my anger, thoughts, behaviors and words, but at that unexpected year, things just changed suddenly. Suddenly, the anger redeemed, the fire cooled down. Suddenly , Unexpectedly, those little things in which we thought, we had done, that look just meant nothing and worthless, are ended up give us the big energy to achieve or to transform.
So, begin to try to appreciate small efforts, actions and thoughts from Yourself and Others, because the moment, when you or other begin to take the efforts (not once but for few times), are showing the willingness to change, to break the patterns, to upgrade themselves. It isn’t easy to see the small steps, the small changes, but the accumulation of the small changes make everything change permanently. Yes, we are all love instant changes, big changes, but aren’t most of these instant things ended up become temporary changes only?
Well, just a simple reminder, Goodnight! and Hello to my Dearest Readers, I’m Back :)