Invest In Rest

Cheers to the weekend or to the upcoming weekend.
What do you mostly do over the weekend?
Hanging out with friends, catching up with family and loved ones? Going for quick gateway, Hibernating or maybe you are just as busy as on the weekdays?
Do you remember on which weekend was it that you invested yourself in Rest? If you take some moment to think, then take this opportunity for your next weekend. Empty all your schedules, Just Invest Yourself In Rest!
What is wrong with catching up with friends and family? Your body requires to hibernate, your mind needs to calm, and your soul wants that quiet moment to reflect and to rejuvenate.
Meeting people is good, but your body exhausted slowly, slowly until you are suddenly sick and need a bed rest. Happen often, right?
Invest Yourself in Rest does not required the whole weekends; just take that one day; Saturday or Sunday. I suggest you to spend on Sunday, so you will be fresh on Monday. Yes, weekend is meant to spend to do things you love, but at least once in a month take that one day in the weekend to just do an art of nothing but hibernating : to eat, sleep, and rest well.
But, I meditate everyday? Well, although you meditate everyday and your mind is fresh but really, there’s just this extra self-discovery when you meditate without following your daily schedules. Give this extra time once or twice in a month for your mind, body and soul. It’s worth it!
For me, I mostly take Sunday stay at home and half-day of Saturday to hang out. I try to hang out with friends on Friday Night or Saturday Afternoon and get back home before 10PM then take a quite moment until Sunday. Yes, sometimes I do turn off my phone for several times on Sunday because I believe Sunday is time to invest myself.
Invest in Rest is different than doing a short-gateway for fun or rejuvenate your mind. It’s also different than doing short courses that you are interested in. Simply,