Just F*cking Do It!
Namaste!, so on the weekend, I attended a workshop and the workshop is summarized with 4 words : JFDI or Just Fucking Do It! Yeah, in the end of the day, action matters. Your dreams, your thinkings, your solutions, your problems, your wishes, are just going to stay visually or verbally until you take actions, period. Then before you make an action, these questions would popped up :
- What if I don’t know where to start? Well, before you make a decision of what you’d want to achieve, you have to understand about yourself first. Before we get into the war, we have to prepare ourself physically and mentally, yea? But don’t you forget to set the “time limit” for the preparations. Do the brainstroming, analysize for a while, then just start!
- What if I don’t have money? Money comes and goes depending on your belief system. If you believe that you deserve money, if you believe money works for you, or if you believe that you have to work hard, to sacrifice so much in order to have money, then it happens the way you’d want it accordingly. Who don’t want to have money easily? But the truth, Unconsciously, your belief system about money describes on how easy/hard you get the money. So if it’s hard, resolve your issues because money is an energy form and it is a part of abundance. Yes, solving the money issues are hard, but then once again, hard is because you want it to be hard. If you could just let it flow, accepting, then you’ll see money comes itself.
- What if I failed? How’d you know you are going to fail, if you haven’t taken any step (s) except imagining those plans? If you fail, just stand up and walk from where you fall. If you succeed , that is because you are a strong believer of yourself that success is yours to own. Being a failure/success depends on how viewed yourself and how you want to respond towards it. If you failed in reality and yet you gained so much lessons and understand the wrongs, then it isn’t a failure; it’s a success. In order to be successful, you gotta learn, you gotta stand up, you gotta be courageous. Failure/success is about the manifestation of yourself on how you want yourself to be.
- What if no one supports me? Dear you, you only need a support of one person, one very important person, the vital one, and that person is you! Yes, you don’t need anyone else except yourself as a whole person. You can’t expect those support system of yours to always agree with you, but if you can’t make peace with yourself, then nothing awesome ever come to you, and no one would ever supported you wholeheartedly . You can’t make changes by depending on others positive attitudes and motivations. Only you who can motivate yourself; You are the ultimate change-maker of your own mind, body and soul.
- What if I am a perfectionist? GOD makes you perfect, the way you truly are. But we aren’t living in this world by ourself, we have to adjust ourself on certain things and have less expectations. Being perfectionist also shows the right attitude(s) of being successful because you won’t bother to waste your time for something “less” important. You have to be flexible because if you always look straight, you may missed out the missing pieces. Lower down your ego and the world will be brighter.
- What if I have done my best, but the results as just I expected? Well, before you take few steps aways, you already created an intention. I know you are probably denied of accepting the bitter truth that “the intentions you created unconsciously are not the same as the ones you said verbally?” Be mindful of your thoughts, it carry vibrations and fear(s) have the highest vibrations of it all. Those unexpressive and unprocessed emotions are perhaps that make you stop and lost the battle for time being.
Those “what if” speculations are based on your fears and judgements. You won’t know everything until you do it. Yes, you must yourself to the limit, but do not destroy yourself. You have to have the right attitudes and supported with the positive energy called passion. Without a burning passion, we won’t even take a step or even if we did, we would have just stopped there in the middle of no where.
Aren’t you get tired of thinking, thinking and thinking that end up become nothing? Yes, I encourage you to just fucking do it, but before we take an action, first, we have to know ourself, prepare and be aware about ourself and surroundings. Remember to “ Be less of an observer, be more understanding, more loving, more compassionates and then JFDI! “ Remember, Only you who can support yourself beyond words. You don’t need to seek approval from others, because what matter the most is that you take an action based on your heart with burning love (passion).
Just Fucking Do It, is actually about taking leap of faith towards uncertainty by accepting what goes wrong in the process then solve the problems and take actions of moving forward. Taking leap of faith means, you as the whole package is working together towards uncertainty with positive attitudes and strong belief that you will achieved! Because when you walk on your faith with love, every little thing(s) conspire for you.
And of course, talking is easy than doing but well, there are 24 hours in a day and everything can fall rightly, if we give ourself a chance to be better and trust the timing. Yes, it takes days, weeks, months and even years for some people, but you won’t be having any regret(s) in the end. It always all about being patience, learning the lessons and moving forward.
Thank you for reading :)