Past-Life — The Basic!
I opened the “Pages” application on my Ipad without knowing what I wanted to write. The title of “Basic Past Life” popped up and I began to type.
Have you ever wonder about who you were in the past life? Some people want to know their past life but not everyone could just easily do it although they do it with the professional. Seeing one of your past life is also about how ready you are. It is not easy for me to get back into my past lives nor able to see them like movie scene (as they described).
Recalling back into one of your past life are not bad; in fact, by knowing more of your those past lives, you could be more directed into who you are and even able to gain back your power and confidence. But ones, must aware that knowing one of your fast lives were not meant to discourage you. In this life time, you could be the sweetest ones, but in one of your past life, you were in the dark side. Whatever, the past were, remember it was past; unchanged.
Unconsciously, whatever you are doing or becoming, are the accumulation of the all of you from the past lives”.

How can we tapped into past life without a need to tap into our subconscious?
A very basic method that anyone could actually doing it by just observing ourself more conscious and deeper; a self-understanding. It is effortless and really easy, perhaps, you just let these signs unnoticed and slip away.
- Do you have that “extra love” toward something, some place or certain characters and stories? Those strong vibration of attractions that you have happen to love so deep and feel so connected? You may feel that you were even that person, or experienced and owned it? It is not possession, merely, you feel “one”, “united”. Those place, stories, characteristic and such on is a crystal clear sign that you were in that lifetime. Amazing, is it not?
Let me give you an example from my experiences: Back in my childhood, I love to watch Wu Xia drama or known as a Mandarin Kung Fu Drama but I barely truly admire the main character no matter how charming that person would be. I admire the General. I also love the character of Queen who is a good strategist with skills, smart and love to be in the war, as again General. The characters of a general with high skills of Kung Fu, calm but stubborn, wise but dare to speak the truth, powerful but was not seeking for power, but to make every thing at peace and balance. A general whose life is full of seeing brutality in the war, but deep inside his heart, he is full of love. A general who fight for his country, were not interested in fame, position, but very proud with his victories from every battle he ever been into. And as I grew older, I would fell in love in the characters of general who loved a girl so much, so true, that he would sacrifice everything for her; money and power never a matter. A general whose heart is so soft yet his characters are strong and he won’t mind to be with her even she did not love him back or they would fought until the very end of their life yet separated or general who lost all of his loved ones because someone else’s obsession of power and greed.
This kind of story attracts me so much that even while watching those 40–60 episodes, I could felt their pains, the love and knew why one became such like that. I would dropped tears even without noticing it. I wondered why, I felt attracted with those, not the main characters. Then, I relook again of the characters and I noticed, it so like me in such a way. This kind of attractions and feeling made me realized that I was general in those era with those qualities, personalities and stories similar like that.
Funny, is it ? And the funniest thing is that my characters are like those generals. I am very stubborn and I barely showed my love toward others but I know I will always watch over them in silent. Well, even your characters are built from your past lives including those people who harm or protect you. Awesome, right?
2. The profession that you are passionate about, describe what your profession were in that life time. Or if you wanted to be “ that person “, you may probably were one of that person apprentice.
3. Your physical body such as scars, pains, aches, and birthmarks are also from the past lives. Do you have the same continuous pains or aches on the same place each time? Maybe your shoulder is dislocated often or your back is often aching in that certain area? That also from your past life.
4. Uncertain fears that you may never recalled why you became so traumatic and fearful? I have this story where I had no recall of memory when did the first time I encounter with snake yet I would be so frighten when I saw snake even on tv, a loud scream. Even I saw snake from far away, I would be jumping or run hysterically. I did not know why, all I, only by just asking myself why, I realized because one in many past life, I died either eaten by snake or squeezed to death. But whether I was human or another living being on that time, I did not know. All I know, the death was so painful or too sudden that even my soul was not able to forget.
5. Longing to travel or visit that certain country or city or place. You just feel so connected, deeply in love with the culture but yet you did not remember how could you just fall in love so deeply with that city, place or country. Well, the stronger your attachment are in this life, the longer you lived in that city or country.
6. Master certain skills faster than the usual. Perhaps, you have some hidden talent and that talent forces you powerfully and urge you to use it as life mission. If so, then it signs for you to stop resisting and just taking a chance of pursuits it. This also mean that your past life mission have not yet done or in a need for you to continue them as it has become your every lifetime purposes.
It is not weird! It is meant to help you build the right future and able to redirect your life into the right direction and focus. These signs does not determine who you are right now, but it helps to know the more of you. Once you list them or start to observe, then you can either take a step to clear the pains or claim your power or knowledge, or to just even let it just be past.
This self awareness make you understand yourself more. If you do not understand “the you, you”, then how could you expect others to understand and know you beyond you?
Listen to that truth, that voice inside your heart. This is how amazing GOD made us. We are not a simple being, neither you ever claimed yourself as a “simple person”, once you know deeper sides of you.