You can be wealthy and healthy and yet you are still not feeling peaceful. You can be the best person to those who encounter you, be a multi-billionaire and even become the healthiest person in your surrounding, yet you aren’t feeling peaceful. In the end, everyone seeks for peace, freedom and happiness.
We want peace. We want freedom. But what is peace and freedom for you? At one point, you believe that “being wealthy , getting all the fame and love” would bring you peace. But when you have some of the thing(s) you dream off, why you still not be peaceful? Why do you still seek for happiness? Look at those influential people, are most of them happy? They have wealth, they have fame, they have everything that most of people craving to have, but why do in the end, they put themselves away from the materialistic world and start to look for the happiness?
A simple answer is that “being peaceful, being free and true happiness comes when you start to enlighten yourself.” You never can find and live in peace and freedom, if you can’t accept who you truly are. Neither peace, True happiness and freedom can’t be seek elsewhere, because it’s inside of you, within you. You have to spark the light trapped inside you; the light called love and compassion.
First, we can’t define the word “peace” equally, because the word “peace, freedom and happiness” is connected directly to your soul and heart not just mind. Whatever you have achieved — the fame, the wealth, the every little things, is feeding your human needs and wants but not your soul, not you inner needs.
For me, my definition of “ peace is when all of you gather and work together harmoniously on achieving the human and soul needs or in other way of saying living life with a life purpose. “
Not everyone’s life purpose is about starting foundation, doing charity and other social works that required so much sacrfies. For some, it’s beyond that. But whatever the life purposes you have, once you start living your life with that purposes of “what can I do to the world today”, then you can start to feel the emptiness inside of you with love and compassion.
You must be wondering : does perfect life exist? It does, but you must be one with yourself, one with the universe, and you must feel complete about yourself. Being complete is about being one with your mind, body and soul with or without material and psychical looks. You may become multi-billionaire with perfect look, but if you feel incomplete, then you aren’t complete and perfect.
Yes, it can not be done instantly, but as long you are willing to grow and to give the best, the time will come to you sooner. So in order to be peaceful, we have to be one with ourself? Indeed! Your human form have its own needs and wants but every human being consists of a soul; your soul needs to be feed, nourished and cherished too.
Before you give everything to the world with all the materials, you have to give love and compassion for yourself too. Being generous or being adored/loved by other doesn’t mean you’ll be peaceful, because if you aren’t your soul’s best friend, if you aren’t operating with love and compassions, and if you aren’t one with yourself and the universe and GOD, how’d a true inner peace would come to you? How can you shine as bright as a diamond, inside and outside?
Thank you for reading and may the force of peace, love and freedom be with you :D!