Alright! So, the past four continuous days, I have met people with the same issue “relationship and self-love” . This is also an issue I used to go through , but I’m glad that now I’m in the stage of fixing it. Well, do you know, “self-love” is actually the only key of happiness? It’s the main source of abundances. Abundance comes when happiness is priority and happiness is when you love yourself first.
Self-Love is actually about self, love and the connection in between which is called relationship. And in this matter, self love is not about your relationship with your outer circles, but the relationship with three parts of you — your beautiful mind, healthy body, and precious soul.
Self-Love is loving yourself as a whole package and that is your mind, body, and soul and feeding them with the right nutritions.
Well, if you go to the gym, eat healthy food and being a healthy conscious that’s building relationship with your body. If you do meditation, listen to your heart rather than your ego, reading motivational books, and such on, that’s your mind’s nutritions. And if you already know your life purposes and your soul daily achievement(s) that’s feeding your soul.
Everything begins and ends with one alphabet and that’s I. What matters the most is “ i “. However, the “i” should operate with love and compassion, with the right attitudes and attentions not operate with ego, fears and expectations”.
It is impossible not to have expectations, but it is possible to lower down your expectations, until you are at the point when your believe is simply beneficial for you.

So on Saturday, I was helping this event on my meditation’s place at The Golden Space Indonesia called MANIFEST 2018. My role in this event is as a Wheel of Fortune’s Officer. So once they won, I’ve to explain their prizes. Those people who have won +Energy Charger were first interested with “wealth meditation”, until I explained about “relationship meditation”. I just explained that “relationship meditation” is not about your relationship with others, but the relationship with yourself. Voila! they decided to take relationship meditation instead and that’s awesome!
Then, I chat and met mates who are happened to have the same issue without them knowing and understanding it — Self love. And from the past four days, I could concluded that “we are in denial when it gets to do with our relationship with ourself (mind, body and soul), and how our ego is actually preventing us from accepting the truth”. Self-Love and Ego!
First, only few people admitted they don’t love themselves at first by just reading their body language. It doesn’t necessarily, we have to “convey through words”, but they deserve an applause because knowing they don’t love themselves is the first step of everything — self-awareness and acceptance.
You are aware of what’s going wrong with you and how’d you want to changes to be by accepting the wrongs and changing to the rights. And to admit that in today’s society is just a big-no-no! We are in defence mode because we are trained to “please” others and to be “proud” of who you are when you know inside of you crying for help. The more hurt you’re, the more defensive you’ll be.
This what I experienced while I was on the event and with my friends that most of them are very defensive, giving me several reasons and become very egoistic and angry. But dear loved ones, I’m here not to change you, I’m here to remind you that in order to get everything you ever wanted in life, ones must have to love themselves first.
I asked, “what make you happy?” — making others happy. Tell me honestly, how could seeing other happiness means more than your own happiness? I was like that years back until I understood that this action describes on how we wanted to be loved, cherished and feel. This is an escape for you because you can’t make “yourself” happy; so we make other people happy and imagined we were them! We aren’t a saint and even if we serve our life purposes, we have to fulfil ourself first, my dearest ones.
Perhaps, I’m being too straight-forward by telling “you don’t love yourself enough!” and its never-ending story because no matter how brutally truth I’m telling, their ego is what controlled them. How can you accept when you don’t hear the whisper’s of your heart? The more you love yourself, the louder the sound of your heart. Well, you can meditate everyday, but if you are still depending more of your mind and let your ego controls you, it doesn’t mean much.
It is great if you admitted that you don’t love yourself enough because that’s when you have to make decision of whether you want to make changes or you want to stay under the same roof and loop.
Self-love never selfish because if we don’t love ourself , who will? The more you love yourself, the more you becoming the real you. You’ll be more confidence, happier, feel peaceful and free. You’ll also not just giving but being able to receive, attracting something / someone you need — it’s like the universe and GOD continuously providing what you needed the most, giving strength, networking and whatever you wanted to achieve your dreams.
You can’t surrender everything to GOD because before you surrender, you need to have Trust, Faith, Believe and Hope. How can you trust, if you don’t trust yourself to trust HIS Magics and Universe’s power? How can you have faith, to something you can’t see or predict it’s accuracy? What to believe when the faith is shaken? and How to hope, if you’ve lost everything and the only thing you have is just yourself and your trust towards GOD and Universe?

The first is Trust! You’ve to build yourself a trust, a strong foundation and this foundation begins with you, your relationship with your mind, body and soul, and on how you are able to keep maintaining, loving and evolving more and more by trusting yourself, your heart, your soul and your connections with GOD and universe. Everything begins with I ends with I!