This word angers me a lot eversince we had a random talk and this word popped up in my head. Where this word “Slavery” originally comes from? Why is this even being introduced? What happened to freedom? Why humanity forgets about the word “freedom” and why “freedom” is the one that seem to be “wrong”? Before we were being born, we weren’t a slave but why after so much rough moments, we decided ourself to be a slave, instead?
We are not a slave of anyone and anything. We are WHO we are, WHO we want to be and allow to become WHOEVER we want to be and be known as.
We are FREE soul but yes, often we over-used our freedom so much that we forget to control them. But we never were, are and will become a slave of anything or to anyone unless we allow them too. The most common situation is that we become a slave for work or money. We work so hard for money, We forget everything for money and that moment when we lose our identity, we become a slave.
Slavery means that we prisoned ourself to whatever/whoever we chose. A synonym for slavery also means addictions.Yes, the thing you are so addicted to (not just drugs/alcohol/sex), but perhaps certain fetish that causes you something is called slavery. Even from unable to move on from the past and stayed in the same loop is also called slavery.
But that is not how living supposed to be. Living means you are able to enjoy the every little things that life offers you while you’re still breathing. We are given a privilege to master our life, to live our life with free-will, but why do we bondage ourself for pleasures that harmful.
Be Free and Break the chains to whatever or whoever that stopping your soul to be free. Don’t feel guilty for claiming your freedom, to be just you!
You are a FREE SOUL and of course the decision is in you, but being free means that you can flying up in the high, showing the world who you are, exploring your life like a playground, or you can choose to be a prisoner of your own life, your own negativity and looping on the same living every day.
PS : I don’t know why I wanted to write the word “Slavery”, but perhaps in other posts, I’ll elaborate more once I found out more about the problems that we, always possess off.