STOP making Promises
Personally, I’m tired of excuses, I’m tired of false hopes, and the most I’m tired of believing it. It does not just apply to other person, but it also to yourself. How many times have we make promises to ourself that we can’t keep? or simply because we forget the promise(s)! Ask that to yourself and then say sorry. Your heart deserved an apology, don’t you know?
Now, please STOP MAKING PROMISES that you are strongly believe you can keep or can’t keep or keep denying. Remember , why do we make that promise on the first place?
Promises are spirit lifter and destroyer at the same time depending on how you chose to react. Your promise(s) can either raising up your spirits, motivation and whatever you may called but the same promises which you are unable to keep can put you down mentally and physically. When we make a promise, whether to ourself (most importantly) or we believe in the promises other made for us, we have make an agreement not to ourself but to GOD, to the Universe, and to whoever you shared your promises to.
I believe, Promise is an agreement and payment. We have to make an agreement to ourself and have to make payment to those whom we have promised toward. Everyone makes agreement to GOD and/or to Universe whether you are aware of it or not. For example your goal is to have 100$. So you say “GOD/Universe, please let me get $100 for blah-blah and I promise to…..” . We may not uttered the words, but those small little thoughts that we give power to, does counted.
It is impossible for us as a human being to make promise(s) without making an exchange in return. Whether it’s intentionally or unintentionally, we are planting seeds for our deeds, wants and needs. However, have you ever thought that somewhat in your life, you have to pay for the consequences for not keeping your promises once your wish(es) are granted? Or perhaps, you may be getting a check for keeping your promises with lots of favors in return?
We love making promises when we have not achieve our goals and dreams, whether to ourself, to your loved ones, or to just random people. Perhaps, it was not your first intention to make promise(s), but when you shared your dreams with someone, indirectly, you have made promises. The true fact, in the end, mostly, we may have forget the promises, but someone else does remember. The promises that you made intentionally or unintentionally give them power to be happy and to believe in you!
So beware of the thoughts and the words before we utter our promise(s) to ourself or loved ones. GOD and Universe loves to test us! They love to grant our wishes and why do we hate to keep our promises? We are the one who made the deals with conditions, and when things are starting into our favors, why do we forget those past moments when we begged for it to come true?
Keeping promise to ourself is essential, because how can you give a promise to others and giving them hope when yourself can not keep a promise to your own? Every little thing begins with you, for you and within you. Selfish as it sounds, but if you can’t keep true to yourself, why do you have to destroy the hopeful ones?
STOP making promises, STOP giving conditionals, and STOP letting others be hopeful. If you make so many promises, it is time for you to either close the chapter and start a new one with better you, or making those promises real. Maybe in order to achieve what you wanted in life, is to just be true to yourself, be honest to the loved ones, and to stop making excuses, false promises and running away from the promised. Accepting the faults, the wrongs, the false, and make a new agreement with GOD, Universe and to yourself not to anyone else. First, yourself!
This above quote is kind of true though that some people make promises just to buy more time. Next time, when you promise to yourself, or being promised by other, just take deep breath, accept the promises but do not wait for it, rather flowing with time. In the end, only very few who kept their promises and you and the other person may not be the fews.