The Art of Reading

Previously, I wrote “The Art of Listening” and now, I’m going to continue with The Art of Reading. Reading in here is literally about analyzing the situation, digesting the messages we have perceived by listening. I’m sure we are exhausted with people who love to yap before they read and digest the message(s). For instance, my mom whose has become her habit to just “make her own conclusion or ask the same questions over and over because she didn’t want to listen.”
The art of not listening is a habit! It becomes someone’s habit and perhaps yours. Yes! I doubt you may agreed but it is becoming your habit and ending up become your character. It is just like the art of listening, those who didn’t listen most of time or didn’t read properly most of time, are making these repetitious mistakes as a habit. We have become accustomed to. Of course, we won’t be putting our attentions to everyone fully especially when we are busy or too tired and we take longer time to digest the message(s). But hey, just admitted, sometimes we get annoyed and choose to be angry because our habit of not listening fully.
“Reading the situation correctly is part of getting through it safely”. Just like when we are lost and ask Google or open our Google maps, we need to spend time to read the maps, we need to listen to the directions being directed by the maps voice. If we do not listen properly, we do not see the maps, how lost would we be? The art of analyzing is the art that everyone’s have within themselves :)