The Prawns

The title is kinda confusing, hey! but really, these following thoughts popped up right after “The Prawns”. Let’s begin.
I just wanted to write a simple thought while I had lunch with her couple days back. Do you see that prawns in the table? I served mom with just one prawn and the sauce for her to taste first before I gave more. Just like me, it was hard to eat but the food was delish. Then, I asked her again whether she wanted to eat the prawns more? And mom replied “No”
But then, there is voice inside told me “serve her” but this time opened the prawn’s shells. So I did open the shells, gave to her and she ate it joyfully. Then, I told her I remembered on how she and dad used to do the same whenever I ate prawns and I told her “ now it’s my turn to open them for you”. I was not planning to say those but the thoughts popped up.
Well, as we grow to be more mature, they become more like a children. And as we think so much of the future, they are recalling back the past slowly and forgetting about future. Sometimes I think, they are not in the present moment much. Often, my mom who is 80 y.o would just stay quietly with wandering mind.
Then, they would start to tell stories from the past; whether it was joyful moments or things they regretted. Then for that certain period of time, they would stopped, in silence, and either fallen asleep or suddenly they woke up and be in the present. Time for them is precious. A minute feels like hour, an hour feel like a day, and a day feel like a week. Time becomes slower especially when they have nothing to do.
Time is a silent killer for them.
Well like I said, it’s just a story of a prawn but yet Im able to write this much. It was good lunch time after such a long time. And I look forward for many good times ahead after passed through the tough month in October.