We are the Product
We are the product of our primary caretakers — all the things we knew, believed in, respond, said are created from the foundation of our caretaker even your paw kids. Primary caretaker doesn’t have to be parents. it can basically be anyone who were taking care off you or those who you looked up when you were growing up.
Have you ever thought that your paw kids are also product of yours? I bet you don’t really thought of that. We are the one who introduced them how to handshake (what is handshake), names, how to behave and often we teach them to do certain things according to what we wanted them to be. But have we given them the liberation of being who they are by letting them just be them? Sometimes we do, most of time we don’t. Again, isn’t that the same like how our caretaker treat us?
Yes, we do trained our paw kids on certain level, but unconsciously, we are also teaching them how to behave, what to eat and not and such too. Just like my paw kid, Jose, he knows how to behave if he eats in the cafe, when he is outside playing and such. At one point, it has become his habits to be and do so. I do let him explore freely, but I’m there when I know he is going to growl. But how many of us are given that much freedom for our paw kids? Just like how many of us are given the freedom to be who we are with our caretaker next to us not controlling us?
Living in Asia, being controlled by our parents are the ways we are raised that our caretakers are always right no matter how much it hurts us physically, emotionally or both, these are done because they loved us. They don’t give us freedom, they abuse the word “love and scarifies” for everything because they are the one who know what’s the best for us. Basically, they are recreating or creating us to be who they want or wish to be.
Same right with the way we treated our paw kids? Paw kids have missions of course in our life because they are natural healer. Even they are obedient with us, but they are also a healer. At point, we trained them so much that they are able to do this, grab that and such, but is it theirs nature to be so? Is it the nature of a dog to be able to calculate, dance and such? Their nature is to be companionship and they don’t ask you to be their “teacher”. But just like human, they are also born with their hidden talents and some of us are able to discover that.
Remember that in the end of the day, we are either living as a Product of someone’s else or we be the Product of Ourselves. It’s a choice, whichever you feel comfortable with, but don’t forget that when we are being who we are, becoming the product of the LORD (not human’s made), then we understand who we are right now, are far greater than who we are going to become. A better life ahead for sure.
Yes, we are the product of our caretakers, but allowing ourself to be changed, are also required so much of us although it’s so worth it in the end. You maybe finding the things you thought you like, aren’t yours; the belief systems you were planted, becomes the belief systems that restricted you all these times, the labels that were given to you, becomes the person whom you’re right now, and so much more. If You are Ready and Worthy to Get to know Yourself in Deeper Senses, to Discover New Things about You, The Powers within You, The Love & Compassions, You’ve… then say Yes to the Path of the Unknown and Transform.
Let’s find yourself, unleashed it all that chained you but again, some of us are still loving the fact to be chained, to be controlled because they are so afraid of losing everything, everyone and situations they have right now. Sometimes, it’s feel better to stay in “toxicity” and be in “pains”, because we believe that “ Love = Toxic and Pain”.
But for me, either way, I’m at peace with You. Because even thousand of people dislike you, as long you like and love yourself, then you’ll be fine. There’s time and season for everything and You… are just being You; whether You are the Product of Your Caretakers or Not.